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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Leonard's Story: June 11, 1955 Graduation USC

Leonard graduates from the University of Southern California on June 11, 1955. The family celebrates at the Louisiana Restaurant in Los Angeles. Included in the party are Pat's Uncle Dave and Aunt Be and Laura's best friend Virginia Rowley, as well as a couple I cannot identify, perhaps friends of Leonard and Pat's or Pat's relatives.

June 11, 1953, photo by William E. Nevis
Pat's Uncle Dave and Aunt Be, unknown, Leonard Nevis, Pat Nevis, unknown, Laura Nevis,
Hazel Nevis, and Virginia Rowley at the Louisiana Restaurant, June 11, 1955

June 11, 1953, photo by Leonard J. Nevis
unknown at far left, Pat's Uncle Dave, Bill Nevis, unknown seated & standing, Hazel Nevis,
Laura Nevis, 
and Hazel Nevis at the Louisiana Restaurant, June 11, 1955

June 11, 1953, photo by William E. Nevis
Laura's best friend Virginia Rowley, Louisiana Restaurant, Los Angeles, July 11, 1955

June 11, 1953, photo by William E. Nevis
Leonard Nevis, Pat's Aunt Be and Uncle Dave, and Pat Nevis, Louisiana Restaurant, Los Angeles, July 11, 1955

June 11, 1953, photo by William E. Nevis
Virginia Rowley, Patricia Nevis and Laura Nevis at the Louisiana Restaurant, Los Angeles, July 11, 1955

June 11, 1953, photo by William E. Nevis
unidentified family or friends at the Louisiana Restaurant, Los Angeles, July 11, 1955

Leonard Nevis with parents Hazel and Bill Nevis and sister Laura Nevis, Louisiana Restaurant, Los Angeles, July 11, 1955

Pat's Aunt Be and Uncle Dave, Leonard Nevis, Bill Nevis, Pat Nevis, Hazel Nevis, Laura Nevis,
, and Virginia Rowley at the Louisiana Restaurant, June 11, 1955

Leonard once told me about a couple of boatwrecks he was in. I recently encountered an article of a boat rescue reported in the April 4, 1955, edition of the Press-Courier (Oxnard, California), when Len was still a student in USC Medical School:

Press-Courier, April 4, 1955 

Here are a couple of photos of Laura from around the same time:

next post  Arnold and Newlin: 1955 Niagara Falls 

previous post  Arnold and Newlin: 1955 Mother's Day

first post in Flashbacks  How the Nevis family came to California

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943