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Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Arnold and Newlin: 1955 Niagara Falls

Arnie and Newlin visit Niagara Falls in the summer of 1955. They had to keep an eye on Eddie, an active and bolting 20-month old.

1955 photo by Arnold H. Nevis
Newlin, Allan and Eddie

1955 photo by Arnold H. Nevis
Allan, Newlin and Eddie

1955 photo by Arnold H. Nevis
Eddie in Niagara

1955 photo by Arnold H. Nevis
Eddie at Niagara Falls

1955 photo by Arnold H. Nevis
Eddie on the run

next post  Arnold and Newlin: 1955 Nursie and Sallie visit Boston 

previous post  Leonard's Story: 1955 Graduation

first post in Flashbacks  How the Nevis family came to California

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943