Some family photos from Gainesville in 1973, mostly from Newlin's nephew Peter Marshall's and Suzanne Mills' wedding in at the Archer Women's Club. They married in Archer, Florida, where Suzanne's extended family lives. Besides the Nevises, also present were Suzanne's son Russell (Rusty to us), Newlin's sister Floreine, and Newlin's nephew's wife's Teresa Ferrell.
Joel and Allan attend Buchholz High School in 1973.
Floreine in blue, Teresa in pink, and Andrew on the right |
Suzanne's mother with Floreine |
Suzanne's mother with Floreine |
Newlin, Allan, Andrew, Joel, and Teresa |
Eric and Rusty in front, Newlin, Allan, Joel, and Teresa behind |
The mother of the bride with Floreine, the mother of the groom |
sisters Newlin and Floreine |
Eric |
10th grader Joel |
High school senior Allan |
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