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Friday, July 16, 2021

Arnold and Newlin: Whittier 1967

Bill and Hazel decide that their multi level house in Glendale is no longer easy for them to scale the many stairs (seven levels, according to Newlin), so they sell it and move to Whittier, where Leonard and Lucille already live in their mountain-side home. (Before selling the house in Glendale, Bill subdivides the two lots and builds a contemporary house on the former grove side in very close proximity to the existing mission-style house. He assists the buyer with financing, but that guy eventually cannot make the payments, so Bill reacquires the title and sells it again.)

The new place was planted with a ground cover of oxalis in the front and back yards in lieu of grass. It was a good choice for California since it does not need to be mowed frequently like grass, but it was a surprise to Joel seeing a Florida weed valued as a California lawn. The only negative with oxalis was that all footprints showed in the oxalis, though I suppose it would have been easy to follow a prowler's footsteps.

1967 photo by Hazel Nevis
the "new" house in Whittier — new to Bill and Hazel

1967 photo by Hazel Nevis
backyard: corner of garage, open patio, redwood picnic table and benches, yard

1967 photo by Hazel Nevis
backyard with orange tree and amaryllises

1967 photo by Lucille Nevis
Bill's birthday with Hazel, Laura and Leonard standing

1967 photo by Leonard Nevis
Bill's birthday

1967 photo by Leonard Nevis
Lucille, Larry and Kathy at Bill's birthday party

next post  Arnold and Newlin: Smoky Mountains 1967

previous post  Arnold and Newlin: 1967

first post in Flashbacks  How the Nevis family came to California

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943