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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Flashback: Arnold's early years

Some documents and photos from Arnold's childhood:

Leonard, Arnold and their cousin Leslie Wolfe, Jr., Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 1923

reverse of the photo above — Hazel wrote here with the names and
observes the resemblance to Arnie's son Eddie in the mid 1950s

Arnold, Dolly and Leonard, New Mexico, circa 1925

Dolly, Leonard and Arnold, New Mexico, circa 1926

Arnold, Glendale, 1932 (enlargement from photo below)

class photo, Eugene Field School, Glendale, California, 1932
Arnold is standing, fourth from left

Arnold, 1933 (enlargement from photo below)

class photo, Eugene Field School, Glendale, California, 1933
Arnold is standing, sixth from left

Arnie, circa 1930

The certificate of promotion from 1930 for the Wilshire Presbyterian School shows that the family was living in Los Angeles already in that year. The second certificate of promotion is from 1931 for the Glendale Presbyterian School. 

Arnold attended Glendale's Eugene Field School in 1931, where he had a perfect attendance record and good penmanship. He also entered a kite in the 1932 Annual Kite Tournament. And he got the Premium No. 1 Notebook Certificate in 1933.

June 16, 1933, perfect attendance certificate, Board of Education of the Glendale
City School District, Eugene Field School, for Arnold Nevis

January 26, 1934, certificate of attendance, Eugene Field School, for Arnold Nevis

By 1935 Arnold attends the Eleanor Joy Toll Junior High School, where he is noted for highest merit.

In 1937 Arnold is in high school at Herbert Hoover High School. The 1937 Scroll Year Book features the Boulder Dam. 

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, cover 

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, inside front cover 

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, inside back cover

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, signature page 1

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, signature page 2

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, title page

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, forward

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, page 7 Boulder Dam

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, page 8 Boulder Dam

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, page 9 Boulder Dam

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, page 10 Metropolitan Aqueduct

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, page 11 Metropolitan Aqueduct

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, page 12 school entrance

In the Winter of '40 class, Arnold is in the top photo, third row, third from right.

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, page 73

Arnold is manager of the Cee track team, second photo, second row, far left.

1937 Herbert Hoover High School Scroll, page 125

A couple of undated photos of Arnold from the 1930s.

The 1939 Scroll:

Arnold's brother Leonard was in the HHHS Boys' Service Club, as was their friend and neighbor Ed Flavell:

Leonard is in the class of Winter '39:

Arnold is in Mrs. R. B. Shearin's class (middle photo) in the back seated near Mrs. Shearin:

Leonard is in the bottom photo, Mr Erwin Howlitt's Study Hall, back row, eighth from the right:

Arnold was in the Forum Club:

Arnold went to the prom with Ms. Balthis, third row, second from left:

Arnold was vice president of the Chemistry Club. Ed Flavell was president.

Arnold is a graduate of Herbert H. Hoover High School in 1940. He was secretary of the Forensics Club, editor of the Purple Press, member of the Boys' League Board, in the Scholarship Club (I guess), and on the Scroll staff.

And Arnold was the transportation manager of the Chemistry Club. His classmates Kennie Flavell, Ed Flavell and Don Stadt pop up through this blog under Arnold's Story.

Dolly is a Winter 1940 graduate. She was the Uniform Representative, member of the Bible Club, and on the Girls' Drill Team. G.A.A.?

In the Bible Club (bottom of the three group photos), Dolly is in the third row, fourth female in from left:

Now attending the California Institute of Technology, Arnold has middling grades

Although he does show improvement over time, it is hard to believe he would eventually get into Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate school with these Caltech grades. He did, however, score extremely well on the standardized tests administered by the U.S. Army during World War II, which led him to technical coursework at Yale Harvard Universities.

Arnold in the 1940s

Arnie in the late 1940s

next post  Arnold and Newlin 1950

previous post  Flashback: How the Hastings descendants came to California

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943