I start a new set of correspondence about Arnold Nevis and his soon-to-be wife Newlin Ashmore, roughly 1952–1960.
Arnold had been interning at Stanford University Hospital since July 1951. Newlin had moved to San Francisco in 1951 after graduating from Duke University Nursing School and holding a couple of nursing jobs in Atlanta and Tallahassee. She took a job as a nurse at Stanford University Hospital; one morning after the night shift, Newlin was touching up her lipstick, and Arnold, coming onto the 7 am shift, make a crack about her "repairing the damage". Newlin retorted, "yes, want some?" Arnold replied, "no thank you, I prefer mine second hand".
Newlin Ashmore, 1949, Duke University Nursing School |
Stanford University Hospitals W-2 for Arnold Nevis, 1952 |
Stanford University Hospitals W-2 for Newlin Ashmore, 1952 |
California Board of Nurse Examiners, application for license as Registered Nurse, Newlin Ashmore, March 13, 1952 |
California Board of Nurse Examiners, application for license as Registered Nurse, Newlin Ashmore, March 13, 1952 |
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