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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Arnold's Story: May 26, 1946

On May 26, 1946, Arnold writes to his parents with photos of Korea and Koreans. I included scans of the backs of the photos because they had Arnold's comments and descriptions. He is later sent home on terminal leave starting August 7, 1946, as he calculates, and officially demobilized in mid September.

Easter Sunrise Service program cover, April 21, 1946, Chōsen Shinto Shrine, Korea

Easter Sunrise Service program, April 21, 1946, Chōsen Shinto Shrine, Korea

1946 photo by Arnold Nevis in Korea

1946 photo, Korea
Arnold Nevis, April 21, 1946, Chōsen Shinto Shrine, Korea

1946 photo by Arnold Nevis in Korea
U.S. Army Air Forces jeep, Korea, 1946

1946 photo by Arnold Nevis in Korea
staff of U.S. Army Air Forces officers mess in Korea, 1946: Kim Nam Soo, Kim Kee Jay,
"Heimie" (kneeling), Kim Pang Sak, unidentified standing, unidentified sitting, and Chun Soo Man 

back of photo by Arnold Nevis, 1946

1946 photo by Arnold Nevis in Korea
Korean man in traditional clothing, 1946

1946 photo by Arnold Nevis in Korea
Korean woman carrying baby, 1946

1946 photo by Arnold Nevis in Korea
Korean laborer with large, heavy load, 1946

1946 photo by Arnold Nevis in Korea
Korean village and fields, 1946

next post  September 15, 1947

previous post  May 21, 1946

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943