While he applied for academic jobs, Joel worked in a bank in New York City. By Fall 1987 he returned to the Ohio State University to supervise the teaching assistants in the Linguistics department.
Joel in Manhattan, Spring 1987 |
Joel with coworker's daughter at Citibank |
Joel with Citibank coworkers |
Joel with coworkers |
Joel returned to Florida in the summer of 1987, bought a car (Mazda 323) and drove out West to attend a linguistics conference at Stanford Univerity. He and some OSU classmates drove over to the Pacific Ocean:
Joel with OSU classmate Riitta Välimaa-Blum |
Joel and Riitta picnic off the trunk of his car |
Allan got married in August to Cathie Coe. They were living in El Cerrito and married at Rockefeller Lodge in San Pablo.
Cathie with pet rabbit Ray Charles, El Cerrito, Summer 1987 |
Cathie's rented house in El Cerrito |
Bridegroom Allan, August 1987 |
mother of the groom Newlin and bridegroom Allan |
Andrew cracks a joke with Joe, Cathie, Allan, and Eric |
newlyweds Allan and Cathie with Joel and with Allan's friends |
Newlin with nephews and niece: Larry's wife, Larry, Kathy, and Walter (Arnie's brother Leonard's three children) |
Before and after the wedding Nevis family members toured the area. Newlin's sister Floreine and her daughter-in-law Suzanne came out for the wedding from Florida, and Arnie's sister Laura came up from Los Angeles.
Newlin in a redwood tree, Muir Woods National Monument |
Eric with a strangler fig, Muir Woods National Monument |
Suzanne, Newlin and Andrew, Muir Woods National Monument |
Newlin enjoying Muir Woods National Monument |
 | Eric hamming it up near Mount Tamalpais |
 | Andrew and Eric on a trail down Mount Tamalpais |
Newlin, Allan and Eloise at Mount Tamalpais East Peak |
Allan and Cathie came to Florida with Cathie's daughters Nikki (Nathalie) and Denise to spend Christmas with the Nevises.
Christmas tree in Newlin's living room, 1987 |
Scandinavian Christmas decorations on Newlin's dining room table |
Stockings by the fireplace |
Allan and Cathie open Christmas presents |
Newlin opening a Christmas present with Nikki and Andrew |
Denise in St. Augustine |
Eric shows his romantic side |
Between Christmas and New Year's Newlin arranged a reception at Wakulla Springs Lodge for our Ashmore relatives to meet Allan's new family: Cathie, Nikki and Denise.
Allan in a suit for the reception |
Cathie and Allan on the left, Sheryl and Newlin in the middle, and Mary Alice on the right |
cousins Linda and Joel |
Wakulla Springs Lodge |
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previous post Arnold and Newlin: Postscript 1986
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