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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Arnold and Newlin: Joel 1981–1983

Joel is still in graduate school in Columbus Ohio, earning a Masters in Linguistics by 1981 and continuing on into the PhD program at the Ohio State University. He dated Brian Knedler into the summer of 1982.

Joel dressed for an event in Columbus, Ohio

Brian Knedler and Joel

Joel and Brian Knedler in Tuttle Park, Columbus

Joel, Joanne Mooney, and Brian Knedler

1981 photo by Brian Knedler
Joel in Tuttle Park, Columbus

Joel in Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio

Joel and Brian Knedler in Hocking Hills

Joel in the apartment on Fifth Avenue and Harrison Street, Columbus

1982 photo by Joseph Uhrig
Joel and Brian with Coit

Joel circa 1982

Joel with friends in Hebron, Ohio

Joel with friends in Dublin, Ohio

Joel camping it up with friends in Hebron, Ohio

Navy-Merchant Marine Memorial, Washington DC, 1983

Joel in Columbus

Joel in Schiller Park, Columbus, autumn 1981

Joel in German Village, Columbus, Ohio

Joel in 1983

Joel in 1983

next post  Arnold and Newlin:  Eric 1983

previous post  Arnold and Newlin:  Andrew and Allan 1980

first post in Flashbacks  How the Nevis family came to California

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943