The family visits Meteor Crater in Arizona, Monument Valley in Navajo Tribal Park, Newspaper Rock State Historic Monument in Utah, the Painted Desert, and Taos, New Mexico.
Meteor Crater |
Meteor Crater |
Meteor Crater |
Monument Valley, Navajo Tribal Park |
Allan and Joel Nevis in the Petrified Forest |
Arnie, Andrew, Joel, and Allan on a petrified tree |
Newlin, Allan, Andrew, and Joel in the Petrified Forest |
Allan, Andrew, Newlin, and Joel, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona |
Joel and Allan in the Petrified Forest |
Newspaper Rock State Park, Utah
Allan, Newlin and Andrew, Newspaper Rock |
Allan, Newlin and Andrew, Newspaper Rock |
Joel by Newspaper Rock |
Galaxy 500, Painted Deserted |
Allan and Andrew, Kachina Point, Painted Desert |
Joel, Newlin and Andrew, Kachina Point |
Allan, Kachina Point |
Joel, Painted Desert |
Andrew Nevis, Painted Desert |
Andrew, Allan and Joel in Taos, New Mexico
 | Joel, Andrew and Allan in Taos
Joel, Arnie, Andrew, and Allan in Taos
Joel, Allan, Andrew, and Arnie in Taos |
Newlin, Andrew, Joel, and Allan in Taos |
Joel, Andrew and Allan, New Mexico |
Andrew, Newlin, Allan, and Joel in the desert |
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