Allan proudly stands by a class project at Littlewood Elementary School (barely two blocks from their home at 3448 NW 11th Avenue), which Arnie and Newlin's four sons attended. Joel is in kindergarten in 1962; Allan is in the second grade.
Allan, class photo, circa 1962 or 1963 |
Allan with a class project at Littlewood Elementary School, Gainesville, Florida |
Allan sits with puppy Ruffy in the carport. Ruffy fell down a storm drain and died shortly after that. The carport was enclosed as a garage in 1998.
Allan with Ruffy |
Joel, kindergarten class photo, circa 1962 or 1963 |
Andrew and Joel, 1962 |
Joel, Andrew and Arnie in front of the house; this façade had pink brink and dark brown cedar wood |
Allan on the patio in the back yard |
Joel in the back yard |
Bill and Hazel drove their trailer across country to visit us in Florida in 1962:
Joel on his grandparents' car with their trailer in the background |
In the living room, we had a set of colorful vinyl floor cushions to sit by the fireplace. Arnie and Newlin got them already in 1960 when the house was new. The first cold spell they were excited to light a fire and sit by it with another Gainesville couple they knew. The wife in that couple kept commenting on the smoke smell but the other three dismissed her complaints until Arnie stood up into a cloud of smoke hovering inches above their heads rising to the ceiling. Even though he had done the flue test to ensure there was an updraft with the flue trap open before building the fire, the chimney was partially closed by a brick or stone that had fallen down. The smoke damaged all the cabinetry in the kitchen and it all had to be stripped and refinished. The living and dining rooms had to be repainted. Since the object in the flue was too large to have be shoved down after the chimney cap had been placed, the insurer insisted the builder cover the damage.
Joel by the fireplace in the living room |
Allan at the beach, most likely Crescent Beach |
The family could be swimming at any one of numerous local lakes in the Gainesville area, possibly Lake Santa Fe.
Andrew, Newlin and Joel swimming in a lake, Florida, 1962 |
Allan, Joel, Andrew, and Newlin |
Andrew, Allan and Newlin |
The family visits to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Arnie is rarely in the family photos because Newlin was a lousy photographer (usually cutting off heads or feet), so the burden fell on Arnie.  |
Allan, Andrew, and Joel, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station |
Allan, Andrew, Newlin, and Joel, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station |
Ray Pepinsky was one of Arnie's closest friends. The two of them ran the University of Florida's biomedical engineering program. As couples, the Pepinskys and the Nevises ate dinner out frequently over the decades.
Arnie, Louise Pepinsky, Newlin, unidentified, Ray Pepinsky |
Arnie must have bought some jewelry for Newlin for their anniversary on September 6:
John Wanamaker gift card from Arnie to Newlin |
John Wanamaker gift card from Arnie to Newlin, probably jewelry for their anniversary on September 6, 1962 |
In late 1962 the family poses for a Christmas card photo:
Andrew, Arnie, Allan, Joel, and Newlin in late 1962 |
Nevis Christmas card 1962 with Arnold, Allan, Joel, Andrew, and Newlin |
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