In elementary school, a student with good grades could be a crossing guard and take a school trip to Washington, D.C., to visit the nation's capital. Allan and Eric had the good grades and made the trip; Joel and Andrew did not. Arnold went as a parent chaperon. They took a night train to Washington, D.C. Here is Allan in Washington in 1966:
Allan disembarking the train in Washington |
Allan in Union Station, Washington, DC
at the Capitol Building
on the steps of the Capitol Building
on the steps of the Capitol Building
the Capitol Building |
group photo on the Capitol steps |
at the White House |
in front of the White House
in front of the White House with Washington Monument in background |
Allan (in plaid shirt) with classmates, by a Vanguard rocket replica |
Allan (ducking) with classmates, by a Vanguard rocket replica |
Allan with classmates, by a Vanguard rocket replica |
Allan with classmates, by a Vanguard rocket replica
on the train departing Washington |
Allan in the center |
Allan, third from right, smiling with head cocked |
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