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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Arnold and Newlin: 1964

Nevis family photos from 1964: St. Augustine and Gainesville.


Newlin and Arnie dressed up in Japanese robes purchased by Arnie in Korea in 1946 for a masked party;
Newlin said she had her teased up specially for the occasion

Joel, Allan and Andrew in St. Augustine's Plaza de la Constitución

Andrew and Arnie in Plaza de la Constitución with the Wells Fargo Building in the background

Joel remembers these white jackets from Easter. Somehow we got mustard on them so they were subsequently dyed yellow.

Joel, Arnie, Andrew, and Allan

Joel, Andrew and Allan after church

Allan, Andrew, Joel, and Newlin

Joel, Allan and Andrew

Joel, Allan and Andrew

Newlin, Joel, Andrew, Arnie, and Allan

Andrew, Joel and Allan

Allan and Newlin

Allan on NW 11th Avenue

Joel's Sunday school promotion from the First presbyterian Church of Gainesville

1964 photo by Arnold H. Nevis
Joe Uhrig, Dicky Greer, Allan, Andrew, Joel, Mary Uhrig, and Beth Collins

next post  Arnold and Newlin: 1965

previous post  Arnold and Newlin: Road Trip West 1963, California 3 

first post in Flashbacks  How the Nevis family came to California

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943