Bill and Hazel visit Paris next, seeing the Arc de Triomphe, the Moulin Rouge, the Red Light District (!), the Eiffel Tower, the Champs Elysees, the Paris Opera House, and the gardens of Versailles.
Arc de Triomphe, Paris |
Arc de Triomphe, Paris |
Rue de la Paix, Paris |
Le Moulin Rouge and Brasserie Cyrano, Paris |
Red Light District, Paris |
Boulevard des Italiens, Paris |
night life, Paris |
the Seine River and the Eiffel Tower, 1957
Eiffel Tower, Paris, 1957 |
Champs Elysees, Paris, 1957 |
Paris Opera House, 1957 |
Palace of Versailles, 1957 |
Fountain of Latona, Palace of Versailles, 1957 |
Fountain of Latona, Palace of Versailles, 1957 |
Fountain of Latona, Palace of Versailles, 1957 |
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