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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Arnold and Newlin: September 7, 1961

Arnie enjoys every place he visits and promises to return with Newlin. He keeps his promise with regard to Munich, which Arnie and Newlin visit in May 1970 with their sons and Arnie's mother Hazel. 

Arnie frequently notes how inexpensive Europe is, and it continued to be for a decade. In the Sixties and early Seventies there used to be a lot of travel guides for Europe on $5 a day. Arnie stay is slightly more than that price but he is staying in much better hotels than student backpackers.

next post  Arnold and Newlin: September 8–9, 1961

previous post  Arnold and Newlin: The Austrian Alps and Innsbruck 1961

first post in Flashbacks  How the Nevis family came to California

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943