It appears that Arnie and Newlin now have a car (or have borrowed one) and they make some trips around New England. Newlin is working as a nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital. Arnold is a PhD student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Newlin ready for work at Massachusetts General Hospital, circa 1952 |
Arnie in front of Dorrance Lab, MIT, 1953
Arnold at the Great Dome of MIT, summer 1953 |
Newlin at the Great Dome, MIT, summer 1953 |
Newlin Nevis, Connecticut State House, circa 1952 |
Arnold tying his shoe by the Connecticut State House, circa 1952 |
Newlin, probably in front of their MIT residence, circa 1952 |
Newlin posing on their apartment balcony, circa 1952 |
Newlin looking down from their second floor apartment balcony, circa 1952 |
a visit from Newlin's brother and sister-in-law Lytton and Opal, circa 1952 |
Newlin, Lytton and Opal on the balcony, circa 1952 |
Arnie and Newlin on their balcony, circa 1952 |
New England mill, 1953 |
Arnie at a New England mill, 1953 |
Arnie in wooden stocks on a village green, New England, summer 1953 |
Arnie, covered bridge, summer 1953 |
Newlin, New England mill, summer 1953 |
Newlin's pregnancy is showing, summer 1953 |
Newlin, summer 1953 |
Newlin at the beach, Massachusetts, summer 1953 |
Newlin on a Caltech blanket at the beach, Massachusetts, 1953 |
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