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Friday, May 21, 2021

Arnold's Story: November 1, 1950

Hazel has been busy with church work, Girl Scouts and PTA. She messed up the payments of Arnold's life insurance again. Leonard, with Pat's assistance, is applying to medical schools around the country. 

Hazel's sister-in-law Belle Bettencourt and her daughter JoAnn visited a few weeks earlier. Her niece-in-law Amelia Bettencourt Hyer and Amelia's husband Burnett Hyer stayed overnight on their way back from a convention. 

Hazel's brother Elwood and his wife Rubye visited with their teenage son Walter. Her other brother Leslie and his wife Lenore came after that. 

next post  November 2, 1950

previous post  October 20, 1950

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943