Bill writes about Dolly and Wayne's wedding on February 4, his 60th birthday party, his new Lincoln Sport Sedan in Danube blue metallic, the new furniture and carpets bought before Dolly's wedding reception, and booming business for his Ideal System Company. He still owes $20,000 mortgage on the house in Glendale.
It sounds as if the Glendale chapter of Reserve Officers Association is not thriving, perhaps due to lack of interest.
The enclosure is a sheet with notes taken by Hazel Nevis from a conversation with her sister in law Mary Ann (Nevis) Silva, Bill's oldest surviving sibling. She is said to have a good memory and offers information about her mother Marianne Enos Brown (Mariana Enos de Brum) and father Jacinto Joseph Nevis (Jacinto Josê Neves) as well as Jacinto's father Vincent Nevis (Vicente Neves).
next post March 1950
previous post February 27, 1950
first post in Arnold's Story July 1943