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Monday, August 16, 2021

Arnold and Newlin: 1978

Nevis family photos and cards from 1978:

Eric's photo proof from Westwood Middle School

1978 photo by Joel A. Nevis
Arnie, Newlin and Eric

1978 photo by Eric E. Nevis
Andrew playing cards in his bedroom

Eric's declaration "I, Eric, am King"

1978 photo by Eric E. Nevis
Newlin, Allan and Arnold attending a wedding

1978 photo by Arnold H. Nevis
Newlin, Allan and Eric attending a wedding

Newlin in her kitchen

Newlin opening presents at Christmas

postcard from China

a postcard of China from Newlin's friend Eleanor Hennig

Newlin returned to work in a hospital around this time and reregistered as a nurse in the State of Florida 

back of Newlin's Florida State nurse registration

1978 photo by Joel A. Nevis
Nevis family Christmas stockings hung by the fireplace 

Pat Nevis (Leonard's first wife) had knitted stockings for Eddie and Allan (she put just "Al" for his name, but the family never used that nickname for Allan), and Newlin knitted the stockings for Joel, Andrew and Eric. Arnie had bought and customized a small pair of Santa pants for Newlin as a joke one year and we continued to put it up for decades afterward. When we needed a stocking for Arnie, we used Eddie's. In this photo only Eric's stocking is full as the rest of us had outgrown the custom.

next post  Arnold and Newlin:  Andrew graduates 1978

previous post  Arnold and Newlin: Joel in Finland 1977–1978

first post in Flashbacks  How the Nevis family came to California

first post in Arnold's Story  July 1943

first post in blog  Leonard's Story: May 29, 1943